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Let us worship together

Regina Collins

The best way to do this is to believe that God is and that He rewards those who seek after him. They that come to God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Your priority in life is that of a worshiper. So worship with all your heart,mind and soul. Your assignment is to be found faithful. Faith pleases God but obedience

moves His hand. God plants His children in good places in order that they grow at the proper pace.  Understand this; God is your hook-up. You are not a "lone ranger" in the body of Christ. He will surround you with other believers and place mentors in your life to raise you to the proper level,therefore submit to Gods Direction in your life for the church fellowship. An obedient believer will do the work of an evangelist, and God will show up for you and do "exploits." Mighty Godly works will be done through obedient and faithful hands. Finally pray that God will open eyes and hearts of the unbeliever and that you will be     given an open door into their lives. Pray that God will send you angels to help in this work of the kingdom in order that the principalities and powers that rule in the heavenly places will see what God has raised up in the earth.



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